This morning I went to Art Group for the first time for four weeks, because of Dad being so ill. It's a great Group -- very friendly and everyone doing their own thing. It's a Group where Artists meet and paint together for four hours every Monday -- no 'phones ringing, no doorbell ringing, no suddenly remembering the laundry should be in the washing machine, just bliss perfect bliss. At the moment we are an all-female Group, but surely one day the male Artists in the district will discover us, or maybe we will discover them. Ten of us had a great painting day today anyway. Then it was a 20 minute drive home to my place to unload the car, have a cold drink and read my mail, and it was off to the Hairdresser's for a hairdo. Haven't had a hairdo for ages, so felt it was time. Then I had to go shopping, after which I called on my Mum and Dad for a while, then back to the Shopping Centre for something I'd forgotten, and I finally landed home at 5.4o p.m. Phew!! It's been a busy day. I started penning a Still Life of fruit today, but haven't gotten far enough to show anything as yet, so instead will show two other pen and ink drawings I have just recently finished. One is a Pink Rose done completely in Pointillism/Stipple with a Pink Micron Pen, size 01, measuring 6"x4". The second is also a Pointillism/Stipple of a Fruit Still Life using various coloured Micron Pens and measuring 3.5"x2.5". It's way after midnight, and I have to go out again tomorrow, so I must be off to get my beauty sleep.